TSPSC Recruitment Notification 2022: तेलेंगाना राज्य लोक सेवा आयोग के द्वारा (Assistant Engineer, Municipal assistant engineer, Technical officer and Junior Technical officer in various Engineering Services), इन विभिन्न पदों के लिए नोटिफिकेशन जारी किया गया है जिस की आवेदन तिथि 28 सितंबर से शुरू होने वाली है तो आइए देखते हैं इसके बारे में यह सभी जानकारियां। TSPSC Recruitment Eligibility Criteria, Telangana Latest Jobs Recruitment, Age Limit, Salary etc.
TSPSC Recruitment Notification 2022: Telangana Vacancy AE & JTO
TSPSC Recruitment Notification 2022: तेलेंगाना राज्य लोक सेवा आयोग के द्वारा Telangana Vacancy AE & JTO 2022 यानी Assistant Engineer और Junior Technical Officers, (Assistant Engineer, Municipal assistant engineer, Technical officer and Junior Technical officer in various Engineering Services).
TSPSC Recruitment इन दोनों सेक्टरों में कुल 833 पदों पर स्थाई नियुक्ति की जाएगी जिनमें विभिन्न प्रकार के पदों के लिए आवेदन किया जाएगा। इस सरकारी नौकरी में शामिल होने वाले इच्छुक और योग्य उम्मीदवार इसके आधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर अपना ऑनलाइन आवेदन कर सकते हैं। 28 सितंबर से।
TSPSC Recruitment Telangana Vacancy AE & JTO 2022 Highlight
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पद का नाम: | Assistant Engineer और Junior Technical Officers |
TSPSC Recruitment कुल पदों की संख्या: | 833 |
TSPSC Recruitment ऑनलाइन फॉर्म प्रारम्भ तिथि: | 28/09/2022 |
TSPSC Recruitment ऑनलाइन आवेदन की अंतिम तिथि: | 21/10/2022 |
TSPSC Recruitment 2022 Admit card: | 10 days prior to announced date of examination |
कटेगरी: | Latest Govt. jobs |
TSPSC 2022 Recruitment Application Fees: | (Notified Soon) |
TSPSC 2022 Recruitment Exam date: | (Notified Soon) |
TSPSC 2022 Recruitment 2022 Official website: | www.tspsc.gov.in. |
TSPSC Recruitment Notification 2022: Total Vacancy AE & JTO Details
नीचे यहां पर दिखाया गया है तेलंगाना राज्य लोक सेवा आयोग के अंतर्गत इस भर्ती में कौन से पदों के लिए भर्ती की जाएगी जो निम्नलिखित प्रकार से अलग-अलग है आप पूरी डिटेल इस टेबल में देख सकते हैं।
Assistant Engineer
Name of the Post & Department: | TSPSC Recruitment Qualification: | Number Of Post: |
Assistant Engineer (Civil) In Panchayat Raj and Rural Development Mission Bhagiratha | Must possess a minimum qualification of Diploma in Civil Engineering | 62 |
Assistant Engineer In Panchayat Raj and Rural Development | Must possess a minimum qualification of Diploma in Civil Engineering | 41 |
Assistant Engineer in Municipal Administration & Urban Development – Public Health, | Must possess a minimum qualification of diploma in Civil Engineering from the Telangana State Board of Technical Education or its equivalent. | 13 |
Municipal Assistant Engineer (Civil) in Municipal Administration & Urban Development – Public Health | Must possess a minimum qualification of diploma in Civil Engineering from the Telangana State Board of Technical Education or its equivalent. | 29 |
Technical Officer in Municipal Administration & Urban Development – Public Health, | Must possess a minimum qualification of diploma in Civil Engineering from the Telangana State Board of Technical Education or its equivalent | 09 |
Assistant Engineer in Tribal Welfare Department | Must possess a Graduation (B.E/B. Tech) in Engineering (Civil) from any University of India established by University Grants Commission or an Equivalent qualification. (or) Diploma in Civil Engineering. | 03 |
Assistant Engineer in Irrigation & Command Area Development Dept. | Civil: Must possess a minimum qualification of Diploma in Civil Engineering Mechanical: Must possess a minimum qualification of Diploma in Mechanical Engineering Electrical: Must possess a minimum qualification of Diploma in Electrical Engineering NOTE: – (a) The Diploma in Engineering of above mentioned disciplines should be awarded by the State Board of Technical Education or its equivalent qualification recognized by the State Board of Technical Education of Telangana State. (b) The Bachelor’s degree in Engineering of above mentioned disciplines should be from a University in India established or incorporated under a Central Act or State Act or an Institution recognized by the University Grants Commission/All India Council for Technical Education or A.M.I.E. | 227 |
Assistant Engineer(Civil) in Ground Water department | Diploma in Civil Engineering or any other equivalent qualification. | 12 |
Assistant Engineer in Transport Roads and Buildings Dept | Must possess a minimum qualification of Diploma in Civil Engineering awarded by the State Board of Technical Education or its equivalent qualification Recognized by the State Board of Technical Education of Telangana State. | 38 |
Junior Technical Officer In Various Engineering Services
Name of the Post & Department: | TSPSC Recruitment Qualification: | Number Of Post: |
Junior Technical officer in Panchayat Raj and Rural Development Mission Bhagiratha | Must possess a minimum qualification of Diploma in Civil Engineering. (a) The Diploma in Engineering of above mentioned disciplines should be awarded by the State Board of Technical Education or its equivalent qualification recognized by the State Board of Technical Education of Telangana State. (b) The Bachelor’s degree in Engineering of above mentioned disciplines should be from a University in India established or incorporated under a Central Act or State Act or an Institution recognized by the University Grants Commission/All India Council for Technical Education or A.M.I.E | 27 |
Junior Technical officer in Panchayat Raj and Rural Development | Must possess a minimum qualification of Diploma in Civil Engineering | 68 |
Junior Technical officer in Municipal Administration & Urban Development – Public Health. | Must possess a minimum qualification of diploma in Civil Engineering from Telangana State Board of Technical Education or equivalent. | 32 |
Junior Technical officer in Irrigation & Command Area Development Dept | Civil: Must possess a minimum qualification of Diploma in Civil Engineering Mechanical: Must possess a minimum qualification of Diploma in Mechanical Engineering (a) The Diploma in Engineering of above mentioned disciplines should be awarded by the State Board of Technical Education or its equivalent qualification recognized by the State Board of Technical Education of Telangana State. (b) The Bachelor’s degree in Engineering of above mentioned disciplines should be from a University in India established or incorporated under a Central Act or State Act or an Institution recognized by the University Grants Commission/All India Council for Technical Education or A.M.I.E | 212 |
Junior Technical officer in Transport Roads and Buildings Dept | Must possess a minimum qualification of Diploma in Civil Engineering awarded by the State Board of Technical Education or its equivalent qualification recognized by the State Board of Technical Education of Telangana State. | 60 |
TSPSC Recruitment 2022 Vacancy AE & JTO Salary
TSPSC AE Scale of Pay: | 45960-124150 (RPS2020) |
TSPSC JTO Scale of Pay: | 32810-96890 (RPS2020) |
TSPSC Recruitment 2022 Vacancy AE & JTO
TSPSC Recruitment 2022 AE Age limit: | 18 – 44 |
TSPSC Recruitment 2022 Vacancy JTO Age limit: | 18 – 44 |
TSPSC Recruitment 2022 AE & JTO Exam pattern
- Phase-1
- Phase-2
TSPSC Recruitment 2022 How to apply online application

- स्टेप1:- सबसे पहले नीचे दिए गए लिंक से आपको इसके आधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर विजिट करना है।
- स्टेप2:- रिक्वायरमेंट वाले ऑप्शन पर जाना है और वहां से ऑनलाइन पर क्लिक करना है।
- स्टेप3:- अब आपको सबसे पहले रजिस्ट्रेशन करना है
- स्टेप4:- रजिस्ट्रेशन करते वक्त आज से आपका नाम मोबाइल नंबर ईमेल आईडी आधार कार्ड के अनुसार ही अपना नाम डालें पूरी डिटेल भर देने के बाद रजिस्ट्रेशन सफल हो जाएगी।
- स्टेप5:- रजिस्ट्रेशन कंप्लीट हो जाने के बाद आपके मोबाइल नंबर पर या ईमेल आईडी पर रजिस्ट्रेशन नंबर और पासवर्ड दोनों ही भेज दिए जाएंगे ।
- स्टेप6:- रजिस्ट्रेशन नंबर और डेट ऑफ बर्थ डालकर आपको लॉगइन करना है लॉग इन करने के बाद आप इस फॉर्म को ऑनलाइन आवेदन कर सकते है।
- स्टेप7:- अपना फोटो और सिग्नेचर साफ सुथरा अपलोड करें और पूछे गए डिटेल को सही-सही भरे उसके बाद एक बार दोबारा चेक करने की कोई मिस्टेक तो नहीं है।
- स्टेप8:- उसके बाद अपने ऑनलाइन आवेदन के फॉर्म को अपलोड कर दीजिए और पेमेंट को ऑनलाइन पर कर दीजिए।
- स्टेप9:- इसके बाद आपका ऑनलाइन आवेदन सफलतापूर्वक पूरा हो जाएगा ।
- स्टेप10:- अंत में आप इसका प्रिंट आउट निकाल कर जा पीडीएफ सेव करके रख लीजिए जो आपके लिए फ्यूचर में काम देगा।
Important links for TSPSC Recruitment
TSPSC Recruitment 2022 Application: | Apply Online (Active on 28/09/2022) |
TSPSC Recruitment 2022: | Registration | Login |
TSPSC Recruitment 2022 Notification PDF: | Download Now |
TSPSC Official Website: | https://www.tspsc.gov.in/ |
और हा मैं आपको यह भी जानकारी दे दु की यदि आप ऐसे सभी भर्ती,जॉब,एडमिट कार्ड, जैसी सभी सेवाओं का लाभ भविष्य में चाहते है, तो हमारे Telegram को अभी join कर लिजिए। धन्यवाद!
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TSPSC Recruitment AE, JTO Last date?
TSPSC AE & JTO Vacancy kb Ayega?
TSPSC recruitment AE, JTO Ka form kaise bhre?
सबसे पहले आपके TSPSC के ऑफिसियल वेबसाइट पर जाए रजिस्ट्रेशन करे और फॉर्म भरे।
TSPSC AE Salary 2022?
45960-124150 (RPS2020)
32810-96890 (RPS2020)
TSPSC AE and JTO Qualification?
Must possess a minimum qualification of Diploma in Civil Engineering. Know more Visit on site.